Common OCD rituals and habits are excessive cleaning, hand washing, checking, counting and organizing.
Facts you might not know about
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder!
Although you may have heard of OCD, there are still many misconceptions about this mental disorder. The reality is, OCD affects men and women equally in adulthood and impacts the lives of the whole family, not just the sufferer.
What you need to know about OCD:
Approximately 80% of people with OCD have both obsessions and compulsions.
Approximately 20% of people with OCD have only obsessions or compulsions.
An obsession is a thought or image that will not go away and may seem irrational to someone without OCD. For example, the fear of getting sick.
A compulsion is a recurrent action often used to relieve an obsessive thought. For example, washing oneself 30 times a day.
90% of individuals suffering from OCD report also struggling from other mental disorders such as Anxiety, ADHD, Depression or BiPolar.
If you or someone you know is struggling with OCD symptoms, there is hope.