Addiction & Substance Abuse

Freedom From Addiction is Possible

Illicit Drug Use is on the Rise.

Over 164 Million Americans were treated for substance abuse of alcohol, illicit drugs, and prescription drugs such as opioids within the last year.

There is Hope.

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Illegal Drug

Prescription Drug Abuse


 The Reality of Substance Abuse

The often pleasant sedating or energizing effects of drugs, misused controlled prescription medications, alcohol, and cigarettes , can frequently lead to abuse, dependence, and addiction.  Use can negatively affect memory, sensory perceptions, processing speed,  learning ability, and multiple bodily organs. Use and misuse may result in a significant physiological dependence and potentially dangerous withdrawal syndrome. 

Addiction is a major problem throughout the country.  The consequences of  this illness not only effects the user, but also their loved ones. Just like many other chronic diseases, drug addiction can be managed and treated successfully. 

If you or someone you know are suffering from addiction there is hope.

A Crisis by the Numbers

US Deaths from abuse in 2021
  • Synthetic Opioids (fentanyl) - 71,238 Deaths
  • Psychostimulants (meth) - 32,856 Deaths
  • Cocaine - 24,538 Deaths
  • Natural/semi-synthetic (prescription) - 13,503 Deaths
  • There were an estimated 107,622 drug overdose deaths in the United States during 2021, an increase of nearly 15% from 2020.
  • Overdose deaths involving opioids increased from an estimated 70,029 in 2020 to 80,816 in 2021
  • A third of all traffic-related deaths involve alcohol.
  • Drunk driving is the number one cause of death among teenagers.
  • Alcohol contributes to more cases of physical violence than any other illicit substance. Rape, murder, assault, and child and spousal abuse are all closely linked to excessive drinking.
Unintentional injuries
  • Unintentional injuries frequently involve substance intoxication
  • Number of emergency department visits for unintentional injuries per year: 97.9 million
  • Number of physician office visits for unintentional injuries per year: 24.8 million
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Signs & Symptoms of Substance Abuse

  • Frequently missing school or work, a sudden disinterest in school activities or work
  • A drop in grades or work performance
  • Lack of energy and motivation
  • Weight loss or gain
  • Lack of interest in clothing, grooming or looks
  • Major efforts to bar family members from entering one’s room
  • Being secretive about going out with friends
  • Drastic changes in behavior in relation with family and friends
  • Sudden requests for money without a reasonable explanation
  • Money or items of value have gone missing or have been stolen.
  • A sense of euphoria or feeling "high"
  • A heightened sense of visual, auditory and taste perception
  • Changes blood pressure, heart rate, or body temperature
  • Dry mouth
  • Red Eyes
  • Decreased coordination
  • Confusion, difficulty concentrating or remembering
  • Slowed reaction time
  • Anxiety or paranoid thinking
  • Odor on clothes
  • Yellow fingertips
  • Major cravings for certain foods at unusual times
  • Decreased mental sharpness
  • Ongoing cough and frequent lung infections
  • Changes in mood
  • Hallucinations
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Agitation or Violent behavior
  • Increased sociability
  • Panic attacks
  • Delirium
  • Drowsiness
  • Slurred speech
  • Lack of coordination
  • Involuntary eye movements
  • Falls or accidents
  • Dizziness
  • Increased energy and restlessness
  • Rapid or rambling speech
  • Larger than usual pupils
  • Smaller than usual pupils
  • Poor judgment
  • Nasal congestion and damage
  • Mouth sores, gum disease and tooth decay
  • Insomnia
  • Depression
  • Muscle cramping and teeth clenching
  • Impulsive behavior
  • Rapid shifts in emotions
  • Flashbacks, a reexperience of the hallucinations
  • A feeling of being separated from your body and surroundings
  • Lack of pain sensation
  • Increase in blood pressure and heart rate
  • Problems speaking
  • Intolerance to loud noise
  • Seizures or coma
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Needle marks

"Addiction Fact."

In the US, alcohol-related injury is the third leading cause of preventable death each year.

Substance Abuse?

Do you or someone you love, excessively use psychoactive drugs, such as alcohol, pain medications, or illegal drugs? Excessive use can lead to physical, social, or emotional harm a nd should be taken seriously.
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Illicit Substance Abuse

Substance abuse is a pattern of drug use that leads to significant problems such as failure to attend work or school and disintegration of relationships.


If you or someone you know is showing signs of illegal drug misuse or addiction, there is hope.

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Prescription Drug Abuse

Are you craving more and more of your prescription drugs? The Most common culprits are opiate pain killers such as fentanyl and benzodiazepine anxiety medications such as Xanax.  If you are wanting to cut down, but not managing to do so, it may indicate a more serious problem. Taking the substance recreationally, in larger amounts then needed, or longer than needed are signs of abuse. Other red flags include using the substances even when it puts your work, relationships, and health in jeopardy. It may be time to seek help.

There is hope. 


Drinking alcohol in moderation is fine, but when it becomes excessive, you may have ad addiction. Has your drinking become more important than other aspects in your life? Are your responsibilities to work, bills, family, friends, or health starting to suffer?

There is hope. 

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Quit Smoking

Did you know, that smoking as a teen can seriously stunt your growth and affect your lungs? That means over time, even a short walk can make you feel out of breath. Smoking while pregnant can also cause low birth weight and a multitude of other health issues for your unborn child. Vaping can lead to metal being inhaled into your lungs.

Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances of abuse. It can be stop at any age.


If you or someone you know is ready to stop smoking or vaping, we can help.

There is hope.

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